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Prepare the AC for Summer With Spring AC Maintenance

Reasons to Remember Spring Air Conditioner Maintenance 

This winter will be remembered for the unusually cold temperatures, but changes are just around the corner. Eventually, the cold will relent, and homeowners should switch gears from protecting the home from the cold to preparing it for the heat. One of the steps that homeowners should remember during the early spring is to get the air conditioner ready before it starts to work. 

Air conditioner maintenance is essential for a bunch of reasons. Still, few are so beneficial that they convince most homeowners to remember their AC maintenance during spring cleaning. This year, remember professional air conditioner maintenance by considering these three benefits. 

Lower Bills With Better Efficiency 

Gas and heating bills are the subject of every polite conversation during the winter. After a brief month or two of relief in the form of mild spring weather, homeowners will soon have something else to complain about – high cooling bills. Luckily, this doesn't have to be the case.

Air conditioners lose efficiency for a few reasons: 

  • Dirty air filters
  • Dirty ductwork
  • Dirty AC coils
  • Poor mechanical function

Air conditioner maintenance directly influences each of these factors that reduce efficiency in a unit. When air conditioner maintenance is remembered every year, efficiency is maximized so that the resulting utility bills are far lower, saving homeowners money all summer. 

Reliability Saves Money on AC Repairs 

bills Another popular topic of discussion among homeowners is the costs of keeping the home up and running. Owners often compete to have the worst horror stories with the highest price tags for repairs. This year, homeowners can forgo the competition and wear the badge of honor that comes with saving money and avoiding problems. AC maintenance plays a huge role in this. 

The most significant costs that come from the air conditioner are unexpected repairs. During the summer, when the system fails, owners will pay a premium to get the system repaired quickly. In most cases, the AC repairs that professionals will perform are entirely preventable or, at least, predictable. When professional AC maintenance is scheduled, experts take steps to stop problems before they occur with good inspection and lubrication schedules. 

While inspecting the system, they can often intervene earlier to make AC repairs, saving homeowners money on emergency bills and avoiding the loss of the AC during the summer heat. 

Improve the Lifespan 

hvac By making the air conditioner run more efficiently and preventing mechanical problems that cause high wear and tear on the system, the air conditioner's lifespan can be drastically extended. Since the system isn't working as hard to maintain comfort in the home, it runs less often, adding years to its life expectancy. 

Additionally, mechanical problems tend to cause widespread damage when they occur. By catching that damage earlier, the domino effect can be stopped. With effective AC maintenance, homeowners can expect their system to last over 20 years. 

About AirLux Heating & Cooling

AirLux Heating & Cooling saves homeowners money with the best warranties and an attractive membership package. They always provide upfront pricing and do their best to make their visits convenient. Call today for HVAC maintenance in Niles, MI. 

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